
In 2008 I embraced the organic life. Living in small town Ontario it was not easy!  There were no Whole Foods stores or mail order of organics to take advantage of. I used to be just like everyone else – I ate mostly processed food, fast food, and did not think about where my food was coming from.  I work full time, I am a mother of three very active boys who have ADHD, Tourette’s Syndrome, and Sensory Integration Disorder and am the main manager of our household.  I used to grab what I could to eat or throw together fast for the family when I was too tired to make a planned meal.  Frozen food was my friend and the take out flyers lined the kitchen cupboard.  I never wondered what was put into my food chain without my knowledge.  I never thought about preservatives or food additives. Out of desperation to help my boys I decided to change what I fed my family and as a result I have seen first hand the difference food choices make to the body, mind, and spirit.  Food is not only nourishing but also a healing substance that has been used for years to return us to health.  The organic lifestyle takes work but if I can do it so can you. I’m not saying it’s always easy – but I am saying it is always worth it.   It is because of my family that I decided to embrace the organic lifestyle and in turn saved my own life. I was morbidly obese and I lost 125 pounds.  Now I am living happily organic ever after and wouldn’t change my lifestyle for anything.